The season has changed and we regret saying goodbye to the warm sun, fun memories and friends. But with every ending is a new beginning and we are looking forward to the adventures and memories ahead.






We left Idaho mid October and made it safely to the midwest without any winter weather. (There was a storm brewing in Wyoming so we drove all night and barely missed it!)






It’s a joy to be reunited with family! Paisley loves her cousins and we love sharing in the simple day-to-day with family. This Winter we plan to spend time with family in the midwest until the New Year. Then budget willing we will travel to Florida to see Shae’s mom and explore/visit friends along the way. Meanwhile here are some highlights from this Fall:






While the midwest is pretty flat and I miss the grand landscape of the Northwest I’ve been enjoying some local single track! The local biking community is alive and well and there are some sweet local trails! If you ever in Nebraska checkout Calvin Crest!






Before leaving the NW I posted an Ad on Craigslist about parking for our trailer. The city didn’t have any long term RV parks and we wanted a place to park the trailer that was safe and close to family. We got TONS of response from our Ad, but nothing that felt right. The offers were either totally sketchy or to far away. On our road trip from the NW we had no idea where we were going to park…on our drive we learned that our college offered RV parking for alumni. So we got electrical hook-ups, gym passes in a safe parking lot for $8 per night. God is good!






With the transition of moving to a new place our family schedule got lost. After a week of getting settled we got back on a schedule and restarted our weekly date nights. (Yay for Grandma baby sitting!) I decided to be a bit more intentional with date nights and get a little creative. I planned a month of date night with simple non-traditional activities packaged into a sealed envelope I present to Shae before the date. The envelope has instructions on what she needs to wear, some discussion questions for the evening and a clue. The dates were a blast! One evening we went to Chucky-Cheese and played 20 arcade games for $5.






This Fall we put on several plant based vegetarian meal planning classes. We have a website called Veggie Meal-Maker where we offer meal plans, recipes, cooking videos and other veggie resources. Healthy living is one of our passions and while we like what we can do online, connecting with people live was a treat! We are considering doing more of these events as we travel.





Be content.

Be present in the moment.


While I wish we were on the road seeing exciting sights and adventuring the time I have HERE and NOW is a gift. Thank you Lord!